- Medical
- Behavioral Health
- Pharmacy
- Vision Screening & Referrals
- Dental
- Substance Use Disorder
- Telehealth
- Outreach & Enabling
- Insurance & Enrollment Assistance
- Transportation for Medical Needs
- COVID-19 Testing & Vaccination
Community Health Center, Inc. (CHCI) is a Federally Qualified Health Center that serves more than 145,000 patients at 14 clinic locations in Connecticut. Using innovative service delivery models and state of the art technology, CHC, Inc., goes beyond traditional health services to bring care to the places it is most needed, and most impactful.
Community Health Center, Inc. welcomes all patients, regardless of status or ability to pay. Farmworkers and their families who do not have health coverage, or are underinsured are eligible for enrollment in the CRVFHP while they live and work in the Connecticut River Valley.
Farmworkers must be employed in the direct farming of seasonal crops. Agricultural work includes cultivating, harvesting, or preparing seasonal crops for market or storage. This includes anyone who has been employed in agriculture within the last 24 months.